Moist Rhubarb Coffee Cake
Try this exquisite Moist Rhubarb Coffee Cake recipe!
2 cups cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup + 2 Tbsp light brown sugar
1/4 cup thawed frozen egg substitute
1 cup nonfat palin yogurt
1/2 cup applesauce
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups coarsely chopped Organic Rhubarb
Rhubarb with its uniquely tangy taste, is a favorite of many Midwestern and East Coast transplants.
Stir diced uncooked Organic Rhubarb into the coffeecake batter and bake
Sift together cake flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt into a large bowl
Stir in 1 cup brown sugar
Place egg substitute in bowl. Stir in yogurt, applesauce and vanilla.
Stir into flour mixture just until ingredients are almost blended
Quickly stir in Organic Rhubarb just until mixed
Turn into 9 x 9 inch pan sprayed with non-stick vegetable spray or lined with parchment paper.
Sprinkle top evenly with remaining 2 Tbsp sugar
Bake at 350′ F 30-35 minutes or until middle is cooked
Serves 9
Source: Donna Deane, Times Food Stylist