Practitioners of Indian medicine have recognized the health benefits of gooseberries for centuries, and this ancient fruit has been used to cure and prevent health ailments with great success. Modern Western science has also realized the value that this fruit holds, and numerous studies have proven that incorporating gooseberries into one’s diet can greatly improve one’s health. While many people are not as familiar with Gooseberries as other types of berries, it is definitely worth eating these super fruits.
In India gooseberries are commonly referred to as amla, and are considered to be a rejuvenatory tonic. It has long been believed that the berries have anticancer and antioxidant properties, as well as the ability to balance cholesterol, protect the liver, and improve the functioning of the immune system. One of the most impressive benefits of gooseberries is how they impact heart health, particularly by preventing coronary heart disease. These are not just claims made by practitioners of alternative medicine; scientists have been able to prove that gooseberries have powerful properties that do indeed positively affect numerous systems in the body, including the heart.
The key to the gooseberry’s heart health benefits lies with the compounds corilagin and Dgg-16. These compounds prevent cholesterol from adhering to the walls of blood vessels, thus reducing the likelihood of dangerous plaque buildup within the arteries. As a result, a person is less likely to suffer from dangerous conditions such as high blood pressure, circulation problems, and heart disease when gooseberries are regularly consumed.
Those suffering from chronic high cholesterol can realize dramatic results through the use of Gooseberries. Separate scientific studies reported in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry found that men who took part in studies looking at the effect of gooseberries on cholesterol showed lower levels of LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) and increased levels of HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol) after several weeks or months of ingesting gooseberries. These same studies also discovered that the men in these studies showed a decrease in C-reactive proteins, a compound that leads to systemic inflammation, and is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
The gooseberry can affect more than just the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that gooseberries have a positive effect when used by people suffering from diabetes, and can help regulate fasting blood sugar levels. Additional studies have produces strong evidence that gooseberries can slow the growth of cancerous tumors, and also protect against cellular damage that can lead to various types of cancer. Whether consumed on its own, or combined with supplements, there is no doubt that Gooseberries should be consumed by anyone who is interested in improving his health or preventing serious medical problems from developing.
Antony, B., Benny, M., Kaimal, T. “A Pilot Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effect of Emblica Officinalis Extract on Markers of Systemic Inflammation and Dyslipidemia,” Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 378-381, 2008.
Jacob, A., Pandey, M., Kapoor, S., Saroja, R. “Effect of the Indian Gooseberry (Amla) on Serum Cholesterol Levels in Men Aged 35-55 Years,” European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 939-944, 1988.
Singh, S., Thakur, CP. “The Ayurvedic Medicines Haritaki, Amla and Bahira Reduce Cholesterol-Induced Atherosclerosis in Rabbits,” Journal of International Cardiology, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 167-175, 1988.