Northwest Wild Foods is proud to introduce our all natural dried lingonberries. Dried Wild Lingonberries are one of the best tasting and healthiest foods on the planet. Although processing foods changes antioxidant levels, drying foods actually increases their antioxidant levels. Frozen lingonberries score on top of the ORAC charts with a score of 203. This is extremely high compared to a blueberry with a score of only 24. However, dried lingonberries have a score of 820 on the ORAC chart, making them one of the healthiest, antioxidant rich foods on the planet.ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorption capacity test, which is the standard measurement for testing antioxidants in foods. Antioxidants are a group of biochemicals shown to be extremely important to the human diet. Antioxidants have been shown to help fight diseases such as heart disease, macular degeneration, cancer, diabetes, aging and more.
Dried lingonberries have an excellent flavor and color similar to that of dried cranberries. They can be substituted into any recipe that calls for dried cranberries. Our lingonberries are carefully dried to perfection with no sugar or other additives. They are all natural, maintaining the greatest flavor, color and health benefits to you. Truly one of the healthiest foods on earth!